„GREEN” Erasmus+


Climate-friendly travel, project implementation in a sustainable way, in the spirit of a greener future

The purpose of the new 2021-2027 Erasmus+ program is to inspire everyone to an environmentally conscious lifestyle and to support sustainable solutions for everyday life. 
The new 
program also deals with the issue of global warming and sustainable development, prioritizing climate-friendly travel, spreading knowledge and increasing sustainability during the

implementation of projects.

The European Commission defines green travel as follows:

Sustainable means of transport (green travel): Sustainable means of transport (green travel) is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling.” (Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2022. page 408.)



Why is it worth traveling green?

If a more sustainable form of travel is chosen, those participating in mobility receive higher travel flat rate and additional days for travelling with daily grant.

From 2022, a new form of support has appeared, which provides higher travel support for students and lecturers for environmentally conscious/environmentally friendly/green travel. Those who choose an environmentally friendly/environmentally conscious trip will receive a maximum of 4 days of additional individual support to cover the travel days associated with the return trip.         

From 2024 those who choose an environmentally friendly/environmentally conscious trip can receive a maximum of 6 days of additional individual support to cover the travel days associated with the return trip.


Normal travel

Green travel


Projects 2020-2023

Project 2024-


Projects 2020-2023

Project 2024-


10-99 km 23 EUR 28 EUR + 5 EUR - 56 EUR +56 EUR
100-499 km 180 EUR 211 EUR + 31 EUR 210 EUR 285 EUR +75 EUR
500-1999 km 275 EUR 309 EUR +34 EUR 320 EUR 417 EUR +97 EUR
2000 - 2999 km 360 EUR 395 EUR +35 EUR 410 EUR 535 EUR +125 EUR
3000 - 3999 km 530 EUR 580 EUR +50 EUR 610 EUR 785 EUR +175 EUR
4000 - 7999 km 820 EUR 1188 EUR +368 EUR - 1188 EUR +1185 EUR
8000 - 19999 km 1500 EUR 1735 EUR +235 EUR - 1735 EUR +1735 EUR


What is green travel?


TRAIN, BUS, CARPOOLING (car sharing), bicycle, or other sustainable means can be considered green travel, ships and airplanes are NOT!

The green travel subsidy can only be given if it is realized at least for half of the travel (50%, i.e. at least one of the trips there and back is carried out in a sustainable manner)

Green travel must be verified with documents, due the lack of this, with a criminal declaration (e.g. in the case of car sharing)


Sustainability tips during the implementation of mobility



Traveling by train

Traveling by bus

Traveling by plane

  • search for more sustainable and efficient airlines Atmosfair Index
  • Daytime and direct flights are less polluting
  • Switching from places close to the terminal to an alternative sustainable mode of transport to reach the destination
  • Flight to compensate TreeCological



  • booking accommodation with a sustainability certificate
  • traveling by local public transport
  • consumption from local, seasonal and sustainable sources, with the production of as little waste as possible, using re-cups and refillable water bottles
  • building relationships with local communities and volunteers
  • CIS Australian Green Book - practical tips and useful resources on what and how to pack, how to choose the lowest carbon travel options, and how sustainability can help build local connections and skills to which serve the future and career


  • integrating newly acquired sustainable and "green" habits into the home lifestyle, creating awareness
  • Green Skills - according to the Greenfo hungarian website, they will be the most sought-after competencies of the future, which include the knowledge and attitude that support the achievement of sustainability goals
  • Green Jobs – professions that help mitigate the impact of negative environmental changes and contribute to the creation of a society that lives sustainably and uses resources efficiently



The consortium formed with the cooperation of Erasmus Student Network (ESN), European University Foundation (EUF), European Students' Union (ESU) coordinates the Green Erasmus Project, which seeks to improve the environmental sustainability of the Erasmus+ program and to draw attention to sustainable internationalization in the European higher education sector. importance. Green Erasmus conducts a comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact of Erasmus+ mobilities and develops an educational method for sustainable internationalization.

Who is it for?

It benefits higher education institutions, local students, and incoming Erasmus+ students, as well as anyone participating in a mobility project or exchange program. The project will have an impact on increasing sustainability awareness both before/during travel and when interacting with local communities. The European higher education sector and the future generation of students will benefit from the awareness of sustainable internationalization that this project aims to highlight, creating a greener future for all.

Goals to be achieved

Reducing the negative impact of the Erasmus+ Program on environmental sustainability

To draw attention to the importance of sustainable internationalization in the European higher education sector

Student organizations should become the promoters of change, advocating for improvements in the topic of environmental sustainability


Project successes

Green Erasmus Guidelines - guidelines for environmental activities aimed at any local student association that wants to engage international and local students and work with local environmental associations to understand environmental issues using a learning-by-doing approach

Handbook for Sustainable Internationalisation – provides information for international relations offices to incorporate sustainability principles into their internationalization practices

Green Erasmus Portal - offers students tips and tricks on sustainability before, during and after their Erasmus experience

Research Report – the research compares the consumer, travel and daily life behavior of more than 10,000 students at home and during their mobility

Green Erasmus Petition – proposals for reform green travel support and encouraging sustainable mobility





Criminal declaraction of travelling green 

Green Erasmus Project